Wills and Probate
Nelson Myatt Solicitors deal with all aspects of Wills and Probate, from making a will, to administering an estate or contesting a Will.
We can also help you setting up Power of Attorney and or dealing with the Court of Protection.
We pride ourselves on being understanding and helpful, especially with emotional situations that so often come with this kind of work, so please e-mail or ring us to make an appointment.
If you are unable to attend our offices, then we can meet you at home or elsewhere.

Want to support a charity?
At Nelson Myatt, we are supporting the St David’s Hospice Will Programme because we believe that everyone should be able to have the opportunity to make a Will. On top of that, St David’s Hospice is an amazing cause, and they provide so much support to many families in our local area and further afield. We like to do anything we can to support the hospice through our work or fundraising.
Making a Will
It is important for all of us that we consider what would happen when we are no longer around. A Will is a legal document that expresses your wishes so that those people you love know what to do with your estate. A will can include who you want to deal with and receive your money, property, and any other assets you have. This can be in the form of specific gifts, or it can be a share of your overall estate minus any expenses. You can leave assets to a person, group of people or a charity, whoever you would want. Unfortunately, there are often occasions where you may want to ensure someone specifically does not benefit from your estate, you can do that too.
Without a Will, your estate can be administered by your next of kin and they would receive all your assets. However, the job of dealing with your assets is made simpler by having a document showing your wishes. It gives both them and you piece of mind that your estate is being dealt with as you would want.
A Will can also include who you would like to appoint to look after your children or pets if that is needed. You can even include details of what you would like to happen at your funeral. There are a lot of things you can include in a Will and a lot of considerations to make when drafting one.
However, although it sounds daunting, the process of creating a will really doesn’t need to be. A will can be as simple or as complicated as you like, but sitting down with a will writing professional makes the process smooth and straightforward. They will know the considerations that you need to make and what options you have if your situation is a little more complicated.
A Will allows you to
- appoint executors to manage your estate - these can be people you trust to do the best job.
- appoint Guardians for your children if they are still young when you die.
- choose who received your personal possessions and money
- ensure that relatives you want to exclude for inheriting do not end up receiving your assets.
As well as helping with how to make a Will, we can also help with estate planning and other issues around planning for the future.
Power of Attorney
Simple Power of Attorney
A simple Power of Attorney is made and used while you are still mentally capable to give someone else a legal right to act on your behalf in some everyday and financial matters. This can be very useful but is limited and can only be used while you have capacity.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) need to be made while you are still mentally capable.
The Property & Financial Affairs forms can then can be used straight away (if you want it to be) but the advantage is that it can continue to be used if you lose your mental capacity in the future.
The Health and Welfare forms can only be used by your attorneys if you are unable to make decisions yourself any more.
We can advise you in detail on the best way to make, draft and register your LPAs to ensure they achieve exactly what you want them to.

Probate refers to administering someone’s estate after their death. Usually this will be done by the executors named in the Will, or the next of kin following the rules of intestacy.
We can help with all the legal requirements, guiding you through the process from start to finish. We can tailor the work we do to fit how much you want to do yourself and the circumstances surrounding the estate.
Why not give us a ring to discuss your personal situation with one of our friendly solicitors? Your first discussion is always free.