Dispute Resolution
Litigation, according to the dictionary is the ‘process of taking legal action or claim’. A claim can be brought forward by many reasons, some examples include:
Someone owes you money
Someone is trespassing on your land
Someone has carried out work for you in which you believe is unsatisfactory
And many others…
Nelson Myatt is here to offer bespoke advice to each and every claim. We would discuss the costs of the claim within the initial free 30-minute consultation. We may even tell you that your claim is a ‘lost hope’ and advise that you do not make it to avoid the heavy legal costs. Here at Nelson Myatt, we offer what we believe would be the best possible outcome for you.
Litigation can be risky so before launching yourself into any matter which requires the court’s assistance, we will always attempt alternative dispute or mediation. This has often provided to be rather satisfactory without the stress or hassle that usually comes with litigation procedures.
To offer a time scale of the overall process, would be looking into the future – rather difficult. Each and every case is different, some may reach a negotiated resolution quickly, whilst others may require the assistance of the Courts and take many, many months.
If you would like to discuss your personal circumstances in confidence you can call our team on 01492 588200 or email info@nelsonmyatt.com. Alternatively, why not book an initial appointment on line using the 'Make an appointment' button at the top of this page.
Meet our team
Andrew Nelson
Head of department

Karen Leadbetter